LIvestock Of Haryana

Concept Explanation

Livestock of Haryana


  • As per Livestock Census 2019, Bhiwani had the highest population of buffaloes followed by Hisar and Jind and the lowest was in Panchkula.
  • Murrah variety of buffaloes indigenous to Haryana is popular throughout the country tor Its superior breed.
  • This breed is also called as Black Gold. It is the most important breed of buffaloes found Mainly in Rohtak, Hisar and Jind districts of Haryana.
  • It gives around 35 liters of milk in a day and is also nicknamed as Asian Tractor. Locally Murrah buffalo is also called as Khundi.
  • Cow

  • Hariana breed, Tharparkar breed and Sahiwal breed of cows are found in the state and originated from Rohtak, Hisar, Jind and Gurugram.
  • Jersey cattle and mix breed is also found in the state. District with highest cattle population is Hisar, followed by Sirsa and Karnal.
  • To protec the cow the government of Haryana has dicided to establish Government Abhyaranyas in Hisar and Panipat.
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